It wasnt what it had to be

July 10, 2011

11 months ago sitting in the same Dulles terminals, I unpacked my dreams. Within hours I had to cover it and adjust it to fit the surroundings and in the process it remained wrapped for a long time. Now sitting in the same Dulles terminal I am trying to gather them as I proceed back home.

But leave alone the dreams.I left beneath few of my beloved belongings with and without conscience. Its the ones who miss without conscience troubles you the most.Same applies to the abstract thoughts too. Without my consent I had to part certain thoughts of mine.

Life is going to be different after getting back because the world will expect me to be a man and not a boy. And more over the warmth of KNBL will be missing and lot of comfort zones doesnt exist anymore. Its going to be a different ball game and all I can feel  is  “Last chance Harvey”.